IDDSI Adoption and Implementation is happening on a global scale. radish has developed a kosher IDDSI menu to help individuals with dysphagia of all ages, in all care settings.
IDDSI is an international collaboration of professionals who developed a standardized framework for labeling texture-modified foods and thickened liquids. The framework is designed to avoid the confusion created by variable terminology and definitions to describe modified diets around the world. The effort is expected to improve the safety and care for all individuals with dysphagia, across all cultures.
In 2012, an international collaboration of a multidisciplinary group of volunteers from a variety of settings—including nutrition and dietetics, medicine, speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, nursing, patient safety, engineering, and food science and technology—came together to develop international standardized terminology and definitions for texture-modified foods and thickened liquids for persons with dysphagia.
In May 2019, IDDSI officially launched for implementation in the United States, with multiple food manufacturers changing their package labeling by this date to reflect the IDDSI framework. While the number of facilities around the country adopting IDDSI continued to grow, the need for a kosher IDDSI menu also grew, but wasn’t available.
radish is fulfilling this void in the industry and created a full menu that meets the IDDSI criteria